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Social InnovationSocial Innovation

Going Beyond Classrooms

Going Beyond Classrooms

With the advent of the digital technology in education, the pedagogical methods have evolved, moving beyond classroom or coaching sessions, and successfully uniting with the technology. Mapping the data from the birth stage with health interventions like Immunization, Health Records, Nutrition and Nourishment provides the right impetus to a child to become successful throughout the journey of life.


Realizing this potential Hitachi through Hitachi MGRM Net is helping children around the world through its Information Communication and Technology solutions (ICT), ensuring every child to enter the most crucial part of their exploration with tenacity.

Hitachi MGRM Net's ICT technology enables communication, creation, sharing, storing, and managing of information optimally to provide multi-pronged Information-Interaction-Transaction & Transformation (IITT) based Master Governance Platform. The platform intrinsically features a blend of technology, and human values to offer a solution unique to the location playing a significant role in helping the Government to meet the Sustainable Development Goal of Quality Education.

India, with diverse Socio-Eco demographics, needs to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Committed to the Government's vision, Hitachi MGRM Net's integrated approach has been making a significant contribution to education system in India by accelerating the digital transformation of institutions in the country through its e-Governance platform.

Co-created by Hitachi MGRM Net, the solution serves as an end-to-end solution, that covers the entire lifecycle of students, administrative needs of parents and teachers, including the alumni and the school management by promoting transparency, accessibility, accountability and efficiency in the overall functioning of the educational establishments.


Hitachi MGRM Net's life cycle approach brings forth a decisive shift from the pre-existing manual & semi-automated systems working in silos to fully integrated real-time management of the institution's various academic and administrative functions like admissions, examinations, accounts, fees, MIS Reports and much more. Cumulatively, the systems improve overall quality of education by –

  • Serving as an integrated platform to deliver content
  • Integrated Platform to Deliver Content
  • Advanced Teaching-learning Material for Students and Teachers
  • Delivering advanced teaching-learning material for students and teachers
  • Self-assessments of students at individual, group, regional and national level that helps them make informed decisions about their future and ensure their safety within the campus and during transit through real-time trackers

  • Self-assessments of Students
  • Tools to Assess Student Teacher Performance
  • Providing tools to assess student, teacher performance, which provides essential data for necessary interventions

  • Facilitating dashboard to administrative body and management to accelerate efficient decision-making

  • Dashboard to Administrative Management to Accelerate Efficient Decision-making

Infinite possibilities

Altogether, this revolutionary e-Governance solution in education promotes participation by stakeholders like parents and brings in uniformity and standardization of implementation of policies, processes and programs across the multitude of branches of the institution.

Geared for a highly broad spectrum of applications across sectors, the integrated IoT enabled Solution Platforms by Hitachi MGRM Net are set to bring Social Innovation in education through its rich legacy of data research spanning decades and Big Data Analytics. Thus, helping the nation build a robust foundation of talent and skill while enabling millions of people to live better.

Social Innovation in Education


To know more, visit : Hitachi MGRM Net

