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Railway Systems

Railway Systems

Integrated Rail Solutions Urban Mobility solutions

Driving The Future of Mobility

Mangal Dev - Head Hitachi Railway Systems

Mangal Dev
Head, Hitachi Railway Systems BU,
India & South Asia

Hitachi's strong values, engineering heritage and its culture built over decades of rich experience has contributed to the socio-economic development in India with the implementation of large number of environment friendly rail-based mobility projects both on the mainline railway as well as in the urban cities. Hitachi core value “Kaitakusha - Seishin”, (Pioneering Spirit) demonstrated in challenging and unpredictable times, empowers all stakeholders including our employees, customers, and partners in meeting some of the most challenging targets. Our products and solutions are well aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals.

Indian Railways is among the world's largest rail network, and its route length network is spread over 1,23,236 kms, with 13,523 passenger trains and 9,146 freight trains, plying 23 million travelers and 3 million tons (MT) of freight daily from 7,349 stations. (1)

Hitachi is contributing in transforming Railways and Urban Mobility since 1953.

We offer Integrated Rail solutions for an enhanced travel experience.

Hitachi's vision is fully aligned with the Government of India's initiative like “Digital India”, “Smart Cities”, “Atma Nirbhar Bharat” and “Make in India”. Thus, help transform nation's future and deliver innovations that answer society's challenges.

The amalgamation of Hitachi's proven experience around the world positions it suitably to contribute in government initiatives to modernize railway infrastructure, enabling a safe, efficient and sustainable travel experience. It comprises the use of ML and AI systems, and railway domain knowledge to maximize asset availability for a minimum whole-life cost and risk.

Rising Demand – (1)

  • Rapid urbanization and growing income
  • By 2050 40% of total Global Rail activity is estimated to occur in India
Modernizing Railways Solutions

Rising Demand – (1)

  • Rapid urbanization and growing income
  • By 2050 40% of total Global Rail activity is estimated to occur in India
Modernizing Railways Solutions

Expanding Horizons – (1)

  • Spurt in freight traffic as an outcome of rising investment and private sector participation
  • Metro Rail projects spread across multiple cities
Metro Rail Projects in India

Growing Investments – (1)

  • 50 lakh crore by 2030 (US$715.41 billion) by 2030
  • Railway infrastructure investment is estimated to increase from US$58.96 billion in 2013-17RE* to US$124.13 billion by 2018-22 E**

*Revised Estimates **Estimate

Integrated Rail solutions

The government, by expanding the scope of Public Private Partnership is accelerating modernization of Indian Railways, India's lifeline. Hitachi is committed to helping people travel in greater safety and comfort in urban as well as the remote parts of the country. Thereby, accelerating the emergence of “Smart Mobility” in India and improving Quality of Life.


Hitachi’s Integrated Solutions are transforming Railways worldwide

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