As Maya was shopping for her daughter's second birthday party, it suddenly struck her that her little angel was soon going to be old enough to go to school. This realization put her in a bit of a panic mode and she got all anxious thinking about the complexities related to admission procedures and the overall well-being of her child at school. After all, her little girl was going to spend a significant part of her life getting education and they were going to spend a significant part of their earnings getting her that education – she was completely justified in seeking more transparency, security, growth and accountability in the system.
When Maya shared her concerns with her best friend Neha - who also happened to be a mother of a school going boy, she was pleasantly surprised to learn that the Govt. of India was bringing about unprecedented changes in the education system through initiatives like Digital India and E-Governance in education. As a prospective parent to a school going child, Maya was relieved to know about the fair admission process that promoted easy access and equal opportunity to all. Another thing that made her particularly happy was the fact that technology was being used to facilitate real-time tracking of the student's holistic development so that necessary support could be initiated whenever needed.

Neha went on to inform Maya about her son's school where secured digital payment mechanism was being used to simplify school fee payment and the daily spent for her child's needs at school. The school also had an inherent cohesive security framework which enabled her son to commute in a closely tracked environment within and outside the school premises. As the two friends continued their discussion, Maya also got to know how technology was focusing on ensuring institutional accountability by monitoring the performance of teachers and training them to not just enhance their skills but also to fill logical information gaps that were earlier dependent just on one's memory.

All these transformations reflect how the digital education system aided Indian education system in scaling new heights, and Hitachi is driving this Social Innovation aligned with the Govt.'s sustainable development goals. In fact, Hitachi Consulting has already signed a MoU with the Andhra Pradesh Govt. to facilitate the development of the Citizen Lifecycle E-Governance platform in their state. This technology is capable of addressing pretty much all the challenges faced by the education domain today ranging from school enrollments and books distribution to literacy programs and domicile certificates. Considering this all-pervasive impact of e-Governance in education, even reluctant parents like Maya can be fully assured of their child's security, stability and bright future.