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Leveraging Industrial Energy Management System for a Sustainable & Resilient Growth

Industrial Energy Management Solutions Energy Efficiency Solutions for Industries

Embracing green energy to ensure a sustainable future has become a necessity for our survival. Industries are leveraging Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) automation as its centralized system structure helps to monitor and control the entire industrial plant. SCADA is rapidly advancing and businesses are considering upgrading their software to increase efficiency, interactivity, compliance, transparency within a company, and boost Return on Investment (ROI) .

Collaborating on four different projects, Hitachi Energy delivered Energy Management Systems (EMS) and SCADA, thereby improving system reliability and propagating safe operation of high voltage electrical system from a centralized location. It helped to promote sustainability for society at large by fostering real-time monitoring at busy, high-intensity, and complex places. Learn how Hitachi, together with customers and partners, is playing an essential role in the energy transition for the future generation.
