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Social InnovationSocial Innovation

The ripples of vibrant Indian economy are transforming citizen lifecycle at every level. Changing demography, ubiquitous access to Internet, financial inclusivity and greater accountability are cohesively opening new avenues for technology-driven solutions to the new challenges faced by the society and health care services in India.

Digitalization has been a significant contributor to India’s metamorphosis impacting inhabitants of even the remotest corners of the nation. Expanding its influence as a disrupter beyond media and entertainment, digital revolution is also emerging as a catalyst to bring paradigm shift in sectors critical to a citizen’s wellbeing.

Healthcare being at the core of society’s happiness, meeting the evolving needs and demand for better Quality of Life is emerging as a priority for the policy makers to build a Sustainable Society.

Burgeoning population, limited human resources and inadequate amenities estimating to 1.3 beds per 1,000 patients1 are leading to a pressing demand for advanced digital integration of healthcare sector-A step that could facilitate the growth of healthcare market from USD110 billion as in 2016 to USD371 billion by 2022.2

Here, Digital empowerment beginning from the grass-root level is poised to bring smart healthcare to people’s neighborhood through-

  • Predictive Analytics

    Predictive Analytics

    The emerging Big Data Analytics technology is equipped with smart algorithms to dig deep into patient data to identify risk factors and propose preventive treatment.

  • Online Health Services

    Online Health Services

    With rapid emergence of e-Commerce, faster internet services, on-line booking of medical consultants, diagnostic tests and procurement of medicines has become convenient and faster.

  • Remote Health Monitoring

    Remote Monitoring

    A boon to people residing in the remote parts of the country, remote monitoring healthcare promotes Point-of- Care Diagnostics, Tele-consulting and e-prescription. This helps rural population gain access to quality healthcare in their vicinity.

  • IoT in Patients Treatment System

    IoT and Big Data

    Today, IoT in healthcare industry provides a variety of digitally enabled devices that are being put to use for tracking vitals, diagnosis as well as treatment of patients.

The colossal amount of vital data that pours in through such IoT enabled integration expendable to Electronic Health Reports, Cloud-based access and state-of-the-art wearable devices present unimaginable possibilities to help healthcare professionals in predicting and thus preventing growing healthcare challenges like Heart Attacks and Diabetes.1, 3

Hitachi in India along with Hitachi Consulting and Hitachi MGRM Net is pooling in its vast and exhaustive experience in Health-tech to Co-Create a digitally integrated healthcare eco-system. Leveraging its robust ITxOT Solutions and Data Analytics capabilities, Hitachi is helping Experts gain invaluable data insight for faster response, diagnosis and prevention through predictive analysis. 4

Collaborative co-creation with the Governments, Industry and Society Hitachi along with Hitachi Consulting and Hitachi MGRM Net is bringing the benefit of health care services in India to every citizen. Hitachi MGRM Net’s MHealth system is facilitating an infrastructure that envisages connecting every small and big Healthcare Institution to each other and the local, state and national governments for persistent solutions in the sector.

By doing so, the outcome would be all-pervasive. The medical institutions and clinics can enhance efficiency and prevention, patients can make informed choices and optimize medical expenses and above all the society can live happy and healthy. Indeed, a transformation that will touch millions of lives every day, for generations to come.

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