Ushering Green Railways: Accelerating Electrification of Indian Railways
Ushering Green Railways: Accelerating Electrification of Indian Railways
Railways are recognized as one of the most energy-efficient modes for mass transit of passengers and freight. They are also among the major drivers of socio-economic development for many countries around the globe.
Rail transport is an eco-friendly mode of transport, leading to a heightened global interest in building and expanding urban, high-speed, and freight rail infrastructure to ease the environmental load from mobility systems.
Nevertheless, amid rising concerns about climate change and global warming, rail systems worldwide are striving to reduce their carbon footprints.
India boasts the world's fourth-longest rail network, which is owned and operated by state-run Indian Railways. As per reports, the Indian Railways, on average, operated 11,283 1 trains daily before the pandemic crisis and had transported 1232.64 million tonnes (MT) 2 of freight in FY 2020-21. With such mammoth operations, railways' energy needs are equally massive.
Eco-Friendly Transformation of Indian Railways
Bio Toilets
Environment-friendly bio toilets installed in entire fleet in line with “Swachh Bharat Mission"
Provides hygienic environment to passengers & keeps premises/tracks clean
Solar Plants
960+ stations solarized as of August 31, 2020 for clean energy development 5
550 stations with total 198 MW solar rooftop capacity under execution 5
LED Lights
Achieved target of 100-per cent LED lighting at all stations in 2018 6
Estimated saving of Rs 50 crore in power bills every year, reduction in CO 2 emissions by 60,000 ton 6
71% the total Broad-Gauge (BG) network electrified till March 31, 2021 3
Target to electrify all BG routes of Indian Railway by 2023-24 3
HOG Technology
Head-On-Generation (HOG) technology draws power directly from electric traction
Savings of Rs. 65 crore per annum on diesel consumption 4
Reduction in air & noise pollution
Dedicated Freight Corridors
Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC) project- Construction of six freight corridors covering the entire country
Energy-efficient corridor to reduce fossil fuel consumption & Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions
Bio Toilets
Environment-friendly bio toilets installed in entire fleet in line with “Swachh Bharat Mission"
Provides hygienic environment to passengers & keeps premises/tracks clean
Solar Plants
960+ stations solarized as of August 31, 2020 for clean energy development 5
550 stations with total 198 MW solar rooftop capacity under execution 5
LED Lights
Achieved target of 100-per cent LED lighting at all stations in 2018 6
Estimated saving of Rs 50 crore in power bills every year, reduction in CO 2 emissions by 60,000 ton 6
71% the total Broad-Gauge (BG) network electrified till March 31, 2021 3
Target to electrify all BG routes of Indian Railway by 2023-24 3
HOG Technology
Head-On-Generation (HOG) technology draws power directly from electric traction
Savings of Rs. 65 crore per annum on diesel consumption 4
Reduction in air & noise pollution
Dedicated Freight Corridors
Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC) project- Construction of six freight corridors covering the entire country
Energy-efficient corridor to reduce fossil fuel consumption & Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions
Various new initiatives and measures have been launched to improve energy efficiency in Indian Railways. As part of its ambitious modernization and transformation plan, the national transporter, which is also referred to as the nation's lifeline, now aspires to go completely 'Green' by 2030 7.
This move also aligns with India’s strong commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development!
Indian Railways Fast-Tracks to a Green Future
Rail systems heavily rely on electricity to energize their operations. However, non-renewable sources dominate India’s power generation basket even today.
The government is making an all-out effort to realize its ‘Green Railways’ ambition and plans to source its entire power needs from renewables in the future. Its initiative to electrify all the broad gauge (BG) routes will prove pivotal to reaching this incredible milestone, therefore.
As per the railway ministry data, Indian Railways' broad-gauge network spanned 64,689 Route Kilometers (RKM), 740 RKM of Konkan Railway included, as of March 31, 2021, with 45,881 RKM or 71 percent electrified 3. Of the 45,881 RKM electrified, Hitachi Energy’ track-feeding transformers cater to 13,750 RKM or 30 percent, notably.
Hitachi Energy, a global power technology pioneer, has been actively contributing to India's electrification program for many decades now and has also been supporting the modernization of Indian Railways all this while.
Significantly, electrification of the remaining broad-gauge routes is in full swing and is targeted to be completed by 2023-24 3. Upon completion, it will be a watershed moment for Indian Railways, as it will then become the largest 100 percent electrified the rail network in the world, enhancing the urban transportation experience for millions.
Transforming Railway Power Systems & Other Paraphernalia
Railways today are a lot more avant-garde and sophisticated; locomotives or engines, in particular, have undergone an unprecedented technological transformation!
From steam to diesel to now electric, locomotive technology has evolved by leaps and bounds. Of late, hybrids such as diesel-electric and dual-fuel systems, diesel-CNG for example, are also hitting the tracks.
Indian Railways' current operating fleet comprises diesel and electric locomotives, supplemented by some hybrid locos. It is reckoned that electric trains produce 20-35 percent fewer carbon emissions per passenger mile than diesel trains 8.
Furthermore, efforts are being made to upgrade the rail electrical infrastructure by introducing the latest technologies and encouraging the use of 5-Star rated electrical equipment.
In the wake of expanding railway network, ongoing broad-gauge electrification, and addition of traction substations, locos and coaches, the need for trackside and traction transformers are also mounting.
Hitachi Energy’ Traction Transformers for Rolling Stock
Comprehensive range of traction transformers covers:
Single to multiphase systems (AC only, AC/DC, diesel/AC,16.7 Hz, 25Hz, 50 Hz, 60 Hz)
Power range (up to 10 MVA for locomotives and EMUs)
Hitachi Energy’ Traction Transformers for Rolling Stock
Modular design, compact size, low weight & high reliability
Assure fast acceleration, low noise emissions, passenger comfort, and use on cross-border networks
Suitable for all applications: high speed and very high speed, regional, locomotive, tram-train, AC metro
Utilize the latest engineering technologies (3D design, finite element analysis)
Hitachi Energy is facilitating Chittaranjan Locomotive Works (CLW), a state-owned electric locomotive manufacturer as well as the Central Organization for Rail Electrification (CORE), to power electric freight locomotives for the Indian Railways.
It is delivering 25 kilovolt (kV) traction transformers for the WAG 9 locomotives to route electricity from the catenary for critical train functions such as traction, lighting, ventilation, braking, signalling and communication.
On the other hand, Hitachi Energy 132 kV trackside transformers for CORE are built to reduce power voltage from the utility power network to a suitable level before feeding it to the railway catenary conductors.
In the past as well, Hitachi Energy has supplied hundreds of its loco transformers for passenger and freight locomotives to Indian Railways. While its freight locomotive transformers are powering the beastly WAG-12 & WAG-9 freight locos on the Dedicated Freight Corridor, 30 percent of the Shatabdi trains use its traction transformers.
Paving Way for Eco-Friendly Mobility, Enhancing Energy Security
As we transition into the electrified transportation age, the railways have emerged as the most electrified mode of transport, globally. In its bid to realize an eco-friendly, faster, energy-efficient, and future-fit mode of transportation, India Railways is working full throttle to electrify its operations powered by green energy.
Railway electrification is not the only step to achieving Indian Railways’ net-zero emissions target but will also help the country save on oil import bills and improve energy security. Such measures will also reduce logistics costs for the industry, giving a boost to the Make-in-India mission.
These initiatives also resonate with Hitachi vision of enhancing Social, Environmental, and Economic values to improve citizens' Quality of Life (QoL). Always at the forefront of innovation, Hitachi Energy’ cutting-edge technologies, products and solutions are strengthening power grids worldwide, making them safer and greener.
By proactively collaborating with Indian Railways, Hitachi is making a pivotal contribution to rail electrification, helping bring more safety, speed, and efficiency to rail operations. Such partnerships will also help Indian Railways reduce fuel dependency, fuel costs, and carbon emissions as it moves ahead on its transformation journey.